how we see it

once upon a time  there was a moon, the moons name was Tim. Tim had these things i like to call phases.Tim  had phases called full moon, new moon,waxing and waning crescents and gibbous. Tim had a friend named earth, earth also had special features called  tides low tides, and high tides. A tide is the rise and fall of earths surface. When earth had his high tide  the water was at the highest level. When he had low tides the water was at its lowest level. One day Tim the earth and the giant sun got together and had a party we refer to the party as spring tides, and neap tides.  This occurred because the suns gravity was pulling earth , and caused the earth to react. The giant sun Tim and earth , also had friends  we like to call stars, There are thousands of them, even though they are hot balls of gases they were still friends. They tried there best to stay away from the blue ones because they were the hottest! Tim and the earth and the sun were hanging out one day and they noticed the sun had sunspots. They were dark spots on the suns surface, which meant it was cooler than the other areas! They thought it was very unusual, because none of them had sunspots. They decided the would go hang out with some of there star friends. They told them about a H-R Diagram,  it plot the relationships between the stars and there temperature, and brightness. That is  how Tim earths and the sun, know which is hottest and coldest.  The earth Tim and the sun also had friends in the milky way known as mercury, Venus , Neptune, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus. They all have a job and work together to complete that job.  They come in different shapes and sizes and they all work together in our  solar system. That  is the story of Jim the earth the suns adventure with there friends!

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